This week was great, we're seeing some real progress with our investigators and everything is just going really good. I'm still learning a lot, and still wishing I could speak Spanish haha.
We have an investigator who has a really bad drinking problem. He's been investigating the church for 5 years now with absolutely no problems besides that one. He understands and accepts all the doctrine and goes to church and all that. He just can't get over his alcohol addiction and because he speaks Spanish there aren't any twelve step or help programs available to him. So, I had the idea to go through the program with him. So I "lead" my first ever lesson! I wasn't comfortable with the language but I was very comfortable with the things I was saying and what exactly he needed to hear.
There were actually a few times where my comp had to straight up translate what I was trying to say. But we got him started on the twelve step program. I really hope we can help him through this. My comp said I talked for 15 minutes straight (including questions) in Spanish though without his help! I don't think it was really 15 minutes but it's still encouraging to know that I had at least somewhat of a role.
Then there's Hermana Guzman! Her husband is a member but she's been investigating the church for about 20 years! haha. They are just the funniest most wonderful people. What is kind of discouraging is they speak Spanish so fast I can't understand a word they say. So I'm not able to participate as much (or at all sometimes) in the discussions but she actually said she would consider finally getting baptized in January! After 20 years! We really, really hope that she does so that she can go to the temple with her husband, they're awesome! They're from the Dominican Republic and have a beautiful family.
But yeah, I've had a couple embarrassing mess ups with the language so far. Once I thought someone was calling me ugly so I very strongly asserted that I was handsome! Turns out they were just asking me if the donut they'd given me was bad. Literally the exact same words it just depends on context which I couldn't understand. haha. Spanish is weird. There are these things called purpusas here at restaurants that are super good and once I accidentally said "prepusio" instead. So I was actually asking what kind of foreskin this missionary prefers. He's a native to Mexico so he just cracked up. I just want to be fluent already.
Today we got to have a guided tour of the Library of Congress! It was super awesome! We got to see one of the original copies of The Book of Mormon! Which was voted 4th in the top 40 best books that have made a difference in your life! It should be first buuut... We'll get there! haha.
I also got to see the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence for the first time which was sweet! Then I got a library card and we just sat down and studied in the main reading room of The Library. It was super quiet and peaceful and made me want to be there for my studies every day. The mission is going great!
Also just in case you were going to send a Christmas card or something the address I put in my previous email is wrong. It's apartment 13 not apartment B. My companion just has really bad handwriting. haha. Oh, and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
Don't forget to pray :)
Elder Brunsdale
Merry Christmas from D.C. |
The Library of Congress. |