The same night that we were out in the country we were walking up to knock on the door of a house and saw a beware of dog sign. I kind of made a joke about how people always put those signs up but all they have is a little chihuahua. 3 seconds later as we were almost to the door this giant, savage 180 pound beast bolts out of the garage and is just hauling right toward us. Luckily, it was well trained and didn't bite but we were absolutely terrified as it pressed its snout up against my companions butt and barked unceasingly. He had dog saliva all over his pants afterwards. Luckily the Lord protected us because that was the biggest chihuahua I have ever seen.
This week we also had the chance to translate at a service put on by Catholic charities. It was basically just the orientation for some new refugees from El Salvador. It was a humbling experience to talk to them and really made me grateful for all that I have. We weren't allowed to take pictures because many of them were fleeing from gangs and we were told that their identity needed to be concealed.
Besides that, this week I've been teaching the English class at the church which is really fun. The other day we knocked on a door and the sisters in our district opened it. That wasn't really fun. haha.
We also were able to see Anna baptized! I was teaching her a few months ago with my trainer but haven't since. She's so adorable and it was cool to see her big brother baptize her. It reminded me of when I had the opportunity to baptize my little brother and how much it blessed me.
Apart from all that the highlight of my week was definitely a lesson we had with Melvin. He is the super awesome dream investigator that we found last week but lost contact with briefly. Well, when we reestablished contact and were in a lesson with him he told us about some hard stuff that he was going through and he had actually bought a ticket to fly home to El Salvador the next day.
While he was talking to us he mentioned that he felt that he was surrounded by a "mighty storm" and that he didn't know how he could get through it. Both my companion and I immediately knew which scripture to share and we new that the other knew as well. Simultaneously we opened the Book of Mormon as I began explaining that there's a beautiful verse that answers his question.
And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty storm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall.
As Melvin read Helaman 5:12 he began to choke up and recounted to us a dream he had the night before. (Hispanics have a lot of crazy dreams). He told us he dreamt that he was standing on a rock surrounded by a river of blackness, while a mighty storm beat upon him. He told us that in the dream he never fell, as strong as the winds became.
We testified to him that the Book of Mormon is the word of God and he said "Siii, Claro." Then he told us that he wasn't going to get on the flight because he knows that this is where God wants him and that after reading the scripture he realized that Satan is trying to keep him from the path he should be on. We left his house feeling an amazing spirit.
Sadly, for us he called the next day and told us that he had decided to move to Woodbridge. (Another area of the mission.) He just had to get out of the situation he was in at the other house. So I called the missionaries who work in Woodbridge, one of which happens to be my trainer, and passed the information. I'm sad I won't be able to continue teaching him but there's no one else in the entire mission I trust more than Elder Lucero.
That's about the week! It had it's challenges as every week does, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
I love you all and hope that you're praying sincerely and fervently daily. Your Father in heaven knows and loves you perfectly. He's always listening.
Elder Brunsdale
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Cows! |
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The house with the savage dog! |
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The civil war battlefield where we go running every morning. |
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Anna's baptism! |
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